Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweet Relationship between Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva

Letters from America

Letters written by Om Vishnupada 108 Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja of ISKCON to Srila Gurudeva Om Vishnupada 108 Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Their relationship began in 1947. But actually their relationship is eternal. (Bangalore Matha) (Puri Math)

Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
10 April, 1965
c/o Gopal P. Agarwal
415 North Main Street Apt 111
BUTLER, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tridandi Goswami
A.C. Bhaktivedänta Swami

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Please accept my dandavats, and also convey my dandavats to Muni Maharaja and of all the other Vaisnavas.
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I have had so much work to do since I came to the West that although I was thinking of writing you a letter, up until now I could not write. I came to stay here for one month, but if I can stay here longer, the work will be done well. Here they are naturally attracted to Christianity, but they also like to listen to me. Since I came here, I have been lecturing everyday either in a church, school, college, club, or society. Their English is a little difficult for me to understand because they pronounce words differently, and our pronunciation of English is difficult for them to understand. But the work has not stopped because of this. They don't dislike my English.
In the Butler Eagle Newspaper, which is one of the largest publications, they like my English, and together with my photograph they have printed this article: "In Fluent English Devotee of Hindu Cult Explains Commission To Visit West-A slight brown man in faded orange drapes wearing white bathing shoes stepped out of a compact car yesterday and into Butler YMCA to attend a meeting. He is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, a messenger from India to the peoples of the West. A Hindu by faith, the learned teacher has translated Biblical literature such as Srimad-Bhagavatam into English from ancient Sanskrit. He is now fulfilling a mission given to him by his spiritual master to enlighten English speaking people about their relationship with God.
I have explained in detail a short life history. Under my photograph, I wrote (in large letters): AMBASSADOR OF BHAKTIYOGA "Chanting the holy name of God is among the religious practices of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, who arrived on Monday for a month's stay in the Butler area, as a 'Missionary in the West.' Pictured in the apartment of his sponsor in the United States, Gopal Agarwal, the Swamiji is residing in the YMCA, and cooking his own meals at the Agarwal home. 'Every culture has religion,' he says. 'We are all engaged in service of some sort; the highest service is to the Supreme Lord.' The scholar-teacher has translated sixty volumes of Sanskrit scripture into English. Now, seventy years old, the appointed 'missionary' to the United States, was educated in India up to a Bachelor of Arts. He became a disciple in 1933, and received instructions until the death of his leader in 1936. He has severed all family ties, forsaking wife, children, and a business in Calcutta, to follow his beliefs."
To cross the Atlantic Ocean took ten days. This great sea is usually full of storms and fog and is very disturbing. But by the mercy of Krsna, there was no disturbance. The captain of the ship, the main officer, told me, " This kind of quiet Atlantic I have never seen in my life." I told them that this is only by Krsna's mercy, nothing else. After the troublesome storm in the Arabian Sea, I knew that if I had had to face a storm like that again, I would die.
I am thinking that the preaching will be very good here. I am lecturing-some days for an hour and some days for one half-hour. The people of America are now tasting some new thing. This is the first time I have come to a foreign country, crossing twelve thousand miles. All here are outcastes (not followers of the varnasrama-dharma system) yet I am never afraid to speak in front of them. For the first time in my life I delivered a speech in a church. The main thing is that I am alone and I am in my old age. Because of this, crossing twelve thousand miles in a ship, I became very sick. I crossed the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. I passed through Asia, Europe and Africa. I crossed these oceans and seas and became so sick. Due to my request, they served me vegetarian meals on the ship, yet I could not take them. I fasted continuously for eight to ten days. The pitta (fire) increased so much in my body thus I suffered terribly from colic pain.
Afterwards, the captain of the ship purchased an electric stove for me in Port Said. I then cooked for myself and took prasada. If they hadn't managed this stove for me, maybe there would have been no possibility of me reaching America. I could have died on the way, but instead Krsna mercifully brought me here. Why Krsna has brought me here, only He knows.
It is very expensive here. One room I found in the YMCA has a weekly rent of fifty-five rupees. This is a very, very expensive country. The laborers earn more than gentlemen in India. They are paid eighty to eighty-five or ninety rupees daily. Everybody has a motor car, since all the offices and markets are very far away. Every civilized person has one car, which costs ten thousand rupees each. In India that same car would costs fifty thousand rupees. People drive the cars themselves, they have no paid drivers to do it for them. Nor do they keep servants. There are lakhs and lakhs of motor cars. When I came from New York to Butler, I saw that on two lanes, for five hundred miles there was a solid line of cars. There was no need of electric lights because there were so many cars. At night in the city the shops are lit up and it appears like daytime. There are so many bridges and flyovers (overpasses) that the cars never need to pass each other on narrow roads. Every motor car is generally going not less than fifty miles per hour. Many houses are twenty-five to thirty stories high. In this neighborhood, there are cottages built on small plots. The people are very civilized, but they are ugra (high tempered, not polite or humble).
Today in New York, the Pope came. On television, everyone saw this. Television is an amazing thing. Just staying in one room, they can watch how the whole world is going on, and how they are all corresponding with each other. "The days are passed in vain work and the nighttimes in sleep." Here people are generally non-vegetarian. Without meat they can't eat anything. I have been taking muri (puffed rice) and peanuts with mustard oil. Somewhere I found mustard oil. Everything is available, but the price is so high. I purchased two hundred and fifty grams of mustard oil for five rupees. I had to travel to a shop twenty miles distant to get it. If you want to come to this country, reply to me.
Swami Maharaja


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
21 August, 1966
26 Second Avenue - B1
New York, NY 10003 USA
Phone: 212-674-7428

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Please accept my dandavats and also please take my blessings.
I think that now you are forgetting me. I will never forget you, but I see that you are forgetting me. How are you? I hope you are all kusala (well and happy) in every way. Now I am staying at the above address. In the middle of September I think that my visa will be finished, so if the government allows I will try to extend it. Very good preaching is going on here. American boys are very beautifully chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. They are chanting loudly. They are eagerly hearing Gita and Bhagavata siddhanta. They are also practicing sadacara, leaving all bad habits. Also, they are taking Mahaprabhu's mahaprasada. By doing this their lives are becoming successful (danyati dhanya). When they do kirtana, dancing with their arms upraised, I remember Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's predictions and become so pleased. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote very hopefully, "When will that day come when white people, that is Europeans and Americans, join with all others and loudly sing Mahaprabhu's kirtana." So I can see that that day has come.
I am trying my utmost for this. I am also praying for your help and then it will be easier. So if I stay here longer, if they give permission, please send me the following things which I am listing here. You must buy these things and pack them. Book them from Mathura station. If you take this responsibility as I am writing you, you must purchase and then pack. After receiving your letter saying how many rupees are needed, then I will send you the money.
1) One pair of metal Radha-Krsna Deities. Arms length (16")
2 Very beautiful dresses, ornaments, crowns. Three changes.
3) Ten pairs of good quality karatalas from Navadvipa.
4) Three good mrdangas
5) One tambura
6) One good quality harmonium
7) Fifty harinama malas, neckbeads and beadbags
8) One book of Sat Kriya Saratdipika (by Gopala Bhatta Goswami and Sanatana Goswami)
If you can find any man who is expert in playing mrdanga, then if you want you can tell him to come here, if he wants to come. If this man agrees to come, then please give him my address.
Let me know what is the cost for all of this, and also what is the packing cost. I will send you that amount. As soon as I get your letter, I shall send you the money. So I hope this time also you will send all that I am wanting and you will help my effort. I have taken so much help from you, and I request that this time also you will help me in this preaching work. I will be so grateful to you. The vigrahas must be purchased in either Mathura or Vrindavana. If it is possible the khola (mrdanga) and karatala should be purchased from Navadvipa. Then in Calcutta my agent can ship it. I know that this will be some trouble, but still I know that you will send it. Receiving this letter, you must give your reply also. I am well.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
28 September, 1966
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
By Air Mail Registered Post
International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Inc.
Twenty-Six Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003
Telephone: 674-7428
Acarya: Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Trustees (P.S. They are all my disciples and all their names are now Vaisnava names.)
Larry Bogart
James S. Greene
Carl Yeargans
Raphael Balsam
Robert lefkowitz
Raymond Marais
Stanley Moskowitz
Michael Grant
Harvey Cohen

Sripada Narayana Maharaja,
I received your letter dated 20.9.66 on time. Our relationship is certainly based on spontaneous love. That is why there is no chance of us forgetting one another. With the mercy of Guru and Gauranga may everything be auspicious for you. This is my constant prayer. From the first time I saw you I have been your constant well-wisher. At his first sight of me Srila Prabhupada also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsana of Srila Prabhupada that I learned how to love. It is his boundless mercy that he has engaged an unworthy person like me, in fulfilling some of his desires. It is his causeless mercy to engage me in preaching the message of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha.
The preaching work is going very well here. I sent a copy of my description of this along with the letter. You may try to print it if you can, and you can copy it and give this news to different newspapers. Here the government is very cautious about preaching any other religion except Christianity. Therefore I am ordered to leave after staying for only one year. I am also ready to return, but my disciples do not want me to go. They are arranging to file a suit against this order of the government. Five hundred dollars will be spent, about Rs 4000/-. They are prepared to spend that much money. The above mentioned American gentlemen will hold a meeting tonight, and within twenty-four hours they will arrange a lawyer to be paid. So it seems I have to stay here longer, to fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada. Even though they keep me in all kinds of comfort and convenience, still my mind is anxious to return to Vrndavana, and I am enthusiastic to see you all.
I am sending the description of the preaching along with this letter. One check for Rs 1500/- is also included. In the price list that you have given, the total comes to Rs 1544/- but by mistake you have written Rs 1080/-. Anyway I shall adjust more or less and send it to you later. Everything needs to be packed properly and sent to Calcutta or Cochin. Where to send, I shall write to you in my next letter.
My room is locked in Delhi. If you or any of your faithful preachers want to preach in Delhi, let me know. If you want to work in Delhi, you can use that room and preach. If you continue going to Delhi, then my publication work can be taken care of, under your observation.
You wrote to me, "You can engage me in any preaching work in India according to my ability. I shall always be ready to do so." So I can preach whole-heartedly by your good wishes.
Here, fifteen educated boys have accepted discipleship from me (sishawatho). They have given up wine, meat, intoxication, marijuana, tea, coffee, eggs etc., and are honoring krsna-prasadam given by me every day. They never knew how to take dahl, capati, rice, spinach, milk and fruits, but now by eating such prasada, they are quite happy and are always attentively doing their service. Therefore, when these young boys are fully ready, vast preaching will take place in these Western countries through them. I always remind them that I am old. "At any time I may have to say namaskara to Yamaraja, so you all try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy properly." I think that they are trying to take this up properly. Otherwise, why would they spend Rs 4000/- to Rs 5000/- to file a suit to try to keep me here? Anyway, by the mercy of Krsna and your good wishes and blessings, I feel no inconvenience. My health is also good. My only concern is that due to my absence from India my printing work is held up. Regarding this, if you can supervise a little, then I will have no worry. In Delhi, I have a householder disciple and there are also one or two others, but they have no experience in printing. If you can supervise, then Sriman Candrasekhara and his son Candra Mohana will help you. I have a proper press, a supply of papers, and an arrangement with the officials, but no one to look after it. Let me know your opinion as soon as you receive my letter. There is a press in Mathura, but it is not as convenient as Delhi. The books could be printed in America. The final printing is very good, but very expensive. It is also difficult to bring money from India, so the printing has to be done there. There is no doubt about it.
What you have heard about the temple is true. Sir Padampat from Kanpur is ready to spend as much as is required to make a Radha-Krsna temple in New York. But it was not possible for the currency exchange with the government of India. Half of the Srimad Bhagavatams I brought with me are distributed. Here, the high-ranking people consider Bhagavan's devotees to be insane. In the beginning I tried to associate with them. I became acquainted with the secretary of the governor and others; but seeing their demoniac nature I have focussed my attention on the middle class--especially towards the young and educated. Here the young educated sampradaya are disgusted with Western civilization. Theye are being ruined by taking marijuana and associating with women. The government does not care for them. They are sent to the Vietnam War by force. The political situation here is not good. This means that their future is not very bright. Because of this condition, Sriman Mahaprabhu has come to this country. I am trying to give them the dust of His lotus feet and those who are accepting are feeling joy. They are accepting me with love, thinking that I can give them life. You will come to know all this news in the joint report.
A crosscheck is being sent. It will not be difficult to cash it if you have a bank account. Otherwise you can collect money with the help of Bon Maharaja or other friends. Please reply to me as soon as you receive my letter.
(I offer myself to you)
Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. There is no need for any professional mrdanga player. If there is any good devotee who wants to come, send me his name and address.
Enclosure-One check # : 0055445 for Rs 1500/- (rupees fifteen hundred)
ACB report


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
26 October, 1966
26 Second Avenue
Apartment B I R
New York 10003

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Accept my dandavats. I last wrote to you on the 28th of September, and I also sent you a check for Rs 1500/-. I still haven't received any letter from you, and I am worried. Please make me happy by writing me a letter as soon as you finish reading this one. Please let me know if all the goods have been purchased. If you don't think that the money I sent is enough, don't buy the tambura for Rs 200/-. But the other goods should be packed properly, and you must send them to Calcutta. Along with the railway receipts send it by registered post to the following address:
M/S United Shipping Corporation
14/2 Old China Bazaar St.
Calcutta - 1
Send it to them with the train receipt, and forward it by registered post with acknowledgement. They will ship it and deliver it to the USA. Have you received a letter from the Scindia Steam Navigation Company? I am sure you will get one from them. I am eager to hear how you have progressed with this.
The preaching work is going on very well here. Someone wrote an article in the newspaper saying that, "In America people had the idea that God had either died or gotten lost, but Bhaktivedanta Swami, within three months, has explained to the atheist sampradaya that God is existing within Hari-kirtana." This is all a glorification of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and is fulfilling his desire with vijaya vaijayanti" (victory flag and garland.) I am very insignificant, so whichever way he is guiding me, I am doing that. Write to me soon and make me happy.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
19 November, 1966
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, 26 Second Avenue
Apt: BIR, New York, N.Y 10003, U.S.A.
Sri Sri Vaisnava Carane Dandavat nati Purvikiyam
I am offering my dandavat pranaamas to the Vaisnavas' lotus feet and then I am writing.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Upon receiving your letter dated 13.11.66 I came to know of all the details. I became very sad upon hearing of Sripad Bhikhu Maharaja's untimely passing away. How such an active, steady, strong and young man's heart could fail is beyond my dreams. I am extremely sad. Moreover, he was a great helping hand for you. Everything is the desire of Krsna. I hope your health is better now.
There is no need to bother Sripada Tirtha Maharaja with the burden of any work. I sent him Rs 150/- eight months ago but so far it has not been possible for him to send anything. All are busy with their own work. In your previous letter I came to know that you are willing to help me, but from your current letter I see that this is difficult for you now. At present there is no need to send anything. Just deposit the Rs 1500/- in the Punjab National Bank. I am sending a letter in the name of the Bank Manager. Kindly deposit that money and the letter in Vrndavana. If they tell you to send the pass book and the checkbook please send on Regd. Airmail. Otherwise they can send them themselves.
A visit should also be made to the Gosvami of the Radha-Damodara Temple. I sent them two or three letters but have received no reply. The bank was to pay Rs 5/- per month. I am desirous to know if they are receiving this money, Kindly write me a letter after inquiring about this.
If Trivikrama Maharaja can send a mrdanga and karatalas from Navadvipa that is good. Otherwise I do not want to trouble you only for a mrdanga (khola). I request you to write a letter to Trivikrama Maharaja and if he can accept this trouble and send them, then after receiving a letter from him I shall send him separate money.
I was very enthusiastic to learn in your previous letter that your help will always be available, but having come to learn from your present letter that you are not well, I am discouraged. Whatever happens according to Krsna's desire is for the best. Make me be happy by replying to my letter as soon as you receive mine and give me news of Vrndavana
Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
15 December, 1966
Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jaya
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
26 Second Ave., Apt. B1 Rear
New York, N.Y.
Sri Sri Vaisnava Carana Dandavat nati Purvikeyam
I am offering my dandavat pranaamas to the Vaisnavas' lotus feet and then I am writing.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
After receiving your letter of the 13th of November and hearing of your difficulty, I replied to you on the 19th of November. In that letter I instructed you to deposit Rs 1500/- into my account at the Vrndavana Punjab National Bank. If you have not deposited the money yet, please let me know if you have purchased the goods or not. I came to know that my disciple Candrasekhara from Delhi wrote you a letter. Candrasekhara sent me a copy of your reply to him. In that letter I came to know that foolish Candrasekhara had blasphemed you. Fools do not know how to honor Vaisnavas. By your greatness, please excuse him. I haven't instructed him to do such a thing. I only told him to visit you. Anyway, excuse his aparadha. Candrasekhara is a good man, but out of foolishness he used bad words to you. You please forgive him and me by your good qualities.
If you have not deposited the money in the Pujab National Bank, you can arrange for the purchase of Deities (Sri Vigrahas). They asked Rs 700/- for a pair of Deities. But if they accept Rs 1200/- for two pairs of Deities, buy them. Pack it properly in a box and send it to my supplying agent (Bakeswar) how to write even I do not know. But write me like this. As-

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
New York Port (U.S.A.)
Via Howrah through
United Shipping Corporation
14/2, Old China Bazaar St.

Soon after you receive my letter let me know what arrangement you have made. I hope you are well.
Affectionately yours,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
30 December, 1966
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami
26 Second Avenue, Apt. # BIR
New York, N.Y. 10003, U.S.A.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja!
Accept my dandavats in this letter. I received your letter dated December 21st and I came to know all the news. I received the passbook and checkbook from Vrndavana Bank. I received the receipts of the deposits. Everything is fine. But the particular work for which I sent the money has not been done. For that you are "regretting." I am also "regretting." I received an enthusiastic letter from Trivikrama Maharaja and immediately I sent him Rs 200/-so he could send me one mrdanga. I do not know what is Srila Prabhupada's desire. I have sent advanced money to everybody, but I have to regret that the work remains undone. I sent Rs 150/- to Sri Tirtha Maharaja five months ago, but still today I am sitting here and regretting that I don't have any mrdanga and karatalas. Kindly you write to Sripad Trivikrama Maharaja that he should not give me a reason to be regretful. He should arrange to send the mrdanga and karatalas as soon as he receives my letter. My lamentation is that if Srila Prabhupada was alive, he would not have given me a chance to lament. When there is a war, the government stops all other work and make special arrangements to send weapons. There may even be some waste of necessary supplies in the war field, but still there is not a lack of supplies. The government pays special attention to that. When Bon Maharaja went to London, Srila Prabhupada sent Rs 700/- by telegrams every month for three years. This was thirty years ago. After thirty years everything costs ten times more. For my house rent alone I pay two hundred dollars monthly, which is Rs 1500/-. Besides this the electric bill, the gas bill, the telephone bill, and feeding fifteen people costs Rs 6000/- per month. In addition, Back to Godhead is being published. I have sent Back to Godhead to you in the first mailing. I didn't expect any help in regards to this from my Godbrothers. I only begged a little co-operation from them. Even in that I am unsuccessful. Certainly Srila Prabhupada is helping me. Otherwise, how could an insignificant person like me have given two or four people a chance to become Vaisnavas?
The general people are all intoxicated and loafers. It is very popular here to impregnate women, and then take them to the doctor and give them an abortion. This is common. They have no lamentation for this. You cannot imagine from there, how difficult it is to make them accept good sadacara (behavior according to scriptural injunctions). It is so much mercy from Srila Prabhupada that this kind of "kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa" (lowborn) national people are taking up sadacara. They are giving up illicit relationships with women, intoxication, marijuana, tea, coffee, everything. Having given up meat they are eating dahl, capati and rice and are very happy. They do kirtana and harinama every morning and evening, and do sandhya before Srila Mahaprabhu's picture. To honor the guru-varga, as soon as they see me, they pay obeisances. I never expected so much. They are not foolish or inactive. Some are MA and BA, and they are earning three to four thousand rupees per month. Most of them, at least two of them, give me all their money. That is why it is possible to spend so much. It is not possible to beg here. It is not possible to run a matha or temple if money does not come from earnings. Here it is not possible to go from door to door to beg flour and rice. Without notice it is not possible to meet with any gentlemen. It is necessary to make an engagement beforehand. Along with all this inconvenience, in this faraway foreign country, I am working alone, helplessly. My only hope is Srila Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura. I have no one else. In my house my wife and son did not help me, so I left my home. I thought the Godbrothers would help me, but even that I did not get. That is why, when you wrote in your letter dated 20.9.66 "I will always be ready to serve you from India in any way I can." And hearing this I was very hopeful. But in your letter, 13.11.66, two months later, you wrote that Tirtha Maharaja was coming to Vrndavana so "if you let me know by letter, he will arrange to send everything to me. Then I will give all of the money into his hand." Thus I was forced to write to you to deposit all the money in the bank. Otherwise there was no other reason. Anyway, forgetting all this, if you can help me from India, you will certainly attain the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. In my old age I have taken so much risk, but not to fulfill any of my own desires. Srila Prabhupada had desired this work, and I am trying to fulfill that desire according to my ability. Personally I have no ability. My only hope is Srila Prabhupada. So if you help me in any way, know that it will certainly be all auspicious to you.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
14 April, 1967
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
By Air Mail Registered Post
International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Inc.
Twenty-Six Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003
Telephone: 674-7428
Acarya: Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Larry Bogart
James S. Greene
Carl Yeargans
Raphael Balsam
Robert lefkowitz
Raymond Marais
Stanley Moskowitz
Michael Grant
Harvey Cohen

Sripada Narayana Maharaja,
Accept my dandavats. I received your and Vinoda Kumara's letters together on 6.4.67 on time. I read the letters the day before yesterday, and on 12.4.67 I have sent you three hundred dollars 300 x 77 is 2,250, that is two thousand two hundred and fifty rupees. Let me know as soon as you receive the money. I am sending you my Delhi and Vrndavana room keys, and some other keys along with my letter. I still did not receive any letter from Trivikrama Maharaja. You had deposited Rs 1500 in the Vrndavana account. I sent a check of Rs 200/- to the Vrndavana bank. If Trivikrama Maharaja finds it difficult to cash the check, tell him to write on the back of the check, "paid to B.V. Narayana Maharaja," and you can cash it. If he had returned the check to me, I would have cashed it and sent it back to him. Anyway, if he has not cashed the check, you take it and cash it. I have some money in Vrndavana which I have not spent. Therefore the total is Rs 2,250/- and there is 200 is to be deposited. Spend the money as follows:

1 harmonium (A) according to description Rs 350/-
1 harmonium (C) according to description Rs 500/-
1 Sitar (A) according to description Rs 250/-
1 Sitar (B) according to description Rs 275/-
Rs 1375
1 tanpura (A) according to description Rs 200/-
1 tanpura (B) according to description Rs 250/-
2 mrdangas (the body should be made of
tin according to Trivikrama
Maharaja's description) Rs 1975
10 pairs of good Navadvipa Karatalas Rs 100/-
Rs 2075

Total Rs 2450/-
Rs 2075
Balance Rs 375/-

There is no need to purchase any warm clothes for Vinoda Kumara. Here I have about four to five overcoats and warm chadars etc. There is no need to bring any bedding while traveling by ship. First of all, it is summer. Secondly they will provide blankets, bedding and everything on the ship.
The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated. So tell Vinoda Kumara to come as a brahmacari. There are enough overcoats and warm clothes here. If it is necessary, buy him one good blanket and one pair of shoes (not made of leather). That means do not spend more than Rs 100/- on him, including the journey to Calcutta. So out of Rs 375/-, if Rs 100/-is spent for Vinoda Kumara, Rs 275/- remains.
Pack everything in Delhi and send it by goods train to Howrah station to my United Shipping Corporation agent (freight paid R/R). Register in the address of registered letter M/S United Shipping Corporation 14/2, Old China Bazaar St, Room No. 18, Calcutta.
Spend as you need for your transport to Delhi and for your two to four day stay there. Pack all of the books after making a list, and get 11 steel trunks packed. It means closing the box, locking it, stitching sacks around it and it locking it with iron straps. On the top of each package write A.C. Bhaktivedanta, New York (via Howrah). Send a copy of all goods to the shipping agent R/R. Send one copy to me along with R/R. If Rs 275/- is not enough to send the goods then do not buy the karatalas. Then Rs 100/- more remains. In this way if everything is done under your supervision I shall be very glad. I hope you will ever oblige me by helping in this way. Kindly send me my mrdanga and karatalas that are in Vrndavana.
The key that is left in Vrndavana is the key to the kitchen. After you open the door of the room you will find a big key on the right side of the wall shelf. Open the door of my sitting room with that key. My mrdanga and karatalas are in that room. There are karatalas in the kitchen also. Please get the room cleaned by Sarojini and give her one rupee. The bank is supposed to pay Rs 5/- to the Gosvami per month, but the Gosvami never wrote me a letter. Try to find out if he receives the money and make me happy by writing to me as soon as you receive this letter.
Krpa parthi
(I want mercy)
Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami
PS. If it is possible send me tilaka and agarbathi.


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
17 May, 1967
26 Second Avenue # B1
New York, NY 10003 USA
May 17, 1967
Sri Sri Vaisnava Carana Dandavat nati Purvikeyam
I am offering my dandavat pranaamas to the Vaisnavas' lotus feet and then I am writing.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
I received your letter dated 11 May, 1967, and have become so much upset. In your letter you say, "You have given me some advice about good behavior for living in the Matha." Also in this letter you write, "There is no need for you to give me this advice." I could not remember where I have written this thing. So you must tell me in which letter I have written this and send me a quotation of what I said. Otherwise I am feeling very upset. Because in all the Gaudiya Mathas, I think that you are the real guru-sevaka, so I always correspond with you and I always give my full love and affection to you.
If I was not thinking like this and putting so much trust in you, I would never have sent you my key and my money. I have so much faith and love for you. How can you think that I am criticizing you? If you think this, it is like a thunderbolt striking my head. Please, I am requesting you to send a copy or quotation of that letter. Otherwise the pain in my mind will not go away. I never wrote to criticize you. This is contrary to the result I wanted.
I am making an inquiry at the bank. When you get the money, you must send me news of it immediately. If you send me your bank account number, I can send that account number money in the future. Then there will be no difficulty.
Regarding Vinoda Kumara, I sent you a copy of his first letter. Perhaps in his first letter Vinoda Kumara didn't say anything about his clothes or maintenance, or that he wanted Rs 800/- or Rs 1000/-. But now that he is asking, I and my trustees have become upset. You know that it is very expensive here. If anyone wants to stay here independently, it is impossible. To take a visitor's visa and then earn money by working is illegal. So as I informed you before, it must be handled carefully. If he comes on a visitor's visa, by Appointment on Probation, then perhaps in the future we can help him. If this is clear, then on this condition only he can come on the visitors visa. Otherwise he can come on an Alien Expert application, as a music master. He can apply at the Embassy for this. He can say, I want to earn money as a music teacher. If the American Embassy gives permission, then as an alien music master I have no objection. But not if he comes here with a visitor's visa and tries to earn money to send to his country. I have written about this matter before, and now I am writing again. So you must take care of this. There is such a difference between our country and America in regard to the rules and regulations of mathas and mandiras. Without permission, collecting one farthing here is not possible.
If, as a music master, he wants to stay here independently, his room rent, food and lodging will cost two hundred dollars per month. This is Rs 1500/-. Who will supply this money? That is my worry. Again I write that with a visitor's visa it is not possible to earn money in this country. If he gets the alien expert visa he can come and I have no objection. He can stay in our matha and earn money and have employment. He can do this. Write me whatever you decide. I hope all is well with you.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
24 May, 1967
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
26 Second Avenue
Apt. # BIR
New York, N.Y. 1003 USA
D/ May 24, 1967.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Accept my dandavats. I received your letter dated 19.5.67 and became very happy to read it. I always consider you as my son! But I was very hurt to read a part of your letter which had in it some harsh words. But now I have forgiven you just as a father forgives his son. I always have a very high opinion of you. If I ever chastise you with harsh words, you tolerate it thinking that I am your old father. If I ever advise you, you shouldn't think it to be unwanted. Rather, it will be auspicious for you. In the house, if the father and son quarrel, it does not break the relationship between them.
After receiving your letter, I request that you first go to Delhi and get all the books packed. If you are late going to Delhi, then you should write to the manager of the temple, Sriman Sri Krsna Pandit, 4092 Kuncha Dilwali Singh Ajmer Gate, Delhi 6, and let him know you are coming. Mention in the letter the date on which you will arrive there.
In the context of your receiving money late, I have written to Sriman Vrndavana in Calcutta to come to you with money. If he comes then there is no need to spend his money but out of the Rs 2250 I sent to you, the expenses of coming to Delhi, staying there and packing the books in a box, can be met. That means that up to a maximum of Rs 300 only can be spent in Delhi. After getting the books packed, please send these goods to Howrah Station by freight train-marking them FREIGHT PAID. Send the railway receipt by registered post to:
M/S United Shipping Corp
14/2 Old China Bazaar St
No. 18. Calcutta 1
They are our shipping agents. I have received their letter dated March 27, 1967 asking us to send the books to Howrah and to send the railway receipt to them along with a list of the books. (When writing to them please mention about their letter).
Whatever instructions I have given to you in my previous letters about work to do in Delhi, please take care of it. There is no need to buy the musical instruments. There is a very good musical instrument company in Calcutta. M/S. Dwarkin and Son. The money has to be sent to him. Keep only Rs 800/- with you for spending and the rest of the Rs 1850/- deposit in my account either in Vrndavana or Delhi.
Vrndavana - Punjab National Bank A/C no. Savings Fund 2913 or Delhi - The Bank of Baroda Limited, Chandni Chowk S-A A/C no. 1452
After finishing the work in Delhi and depositing the money, kindly write me a letter. I will then make a separate check to Dwarkin and Son, they will arrange to send the musical instruments.
Six months ago I sent Trivikrama Maharaja Rs 200/-to buy a mrdanga and karatalas, but I don't know why he still has not sent them. I will be very grateful if you can send him a reminder letter.
About Vinoda Kumara, this is the situation. In his first letter he did not reveal his mind clearly. Then later he asked for Rs 800/-for clothes for himself, and said he wanted to stay as a music master. He refused to wear kunti-mala and tilaka. If he speaks like this before he comes here-who knows what he will ask for afterwards, that will not be within our capacity to supply him.
I am trying to build the characters of these American boys, who are lakhs times more tarpan(servants of their own senses) than Indian boys. Then if an Indian boy enters this situation and also serves his own senses it will not make the atmosphere very peaceful. I had to leave my own family and children because I was unable to tolerate seeing them remain servants of their senses. All the American children who are staying with me have shaved their heads, have mala and tilaka and always follow my orders. As soon as they see me they do dandavat pranamas (obeisances). All the work is done very peacefully. In this situation, if an Indian boy, especially a disciple from our sampradaya, doesn't wear mala and tilaka and doesn't agree to wear the robes of a brahmacari-it will not make a peaceful atmosphere. I don't want such a thing.
If Vinoda Kumara is ready to come here and live in my style, and follow my orders for six months, and if I then understand he is capable of running a musical school, I may open a musical class for him. The society will spend everything for him. That's enough of this talk for now. Especially if one comes with a visitor's visa, he is not allowed to earn money as I have told you before. To make a visa for a musical teacher is not very difficult. With the help of the society, it can be made even after coming here. He must discuss and consider all of these points and then he can come. Otherwise the society is unable to welcome him. The society wants to say that he should have written all of these details before. Now do whatever you think is correct. Whatever we want to say from our side is written in the Appointment Letter. If you have not seen that, please see one. I hope everything is well. I am waiting for your reply.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
14 June, 1967
International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Inc.
Twenty-Six Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003
Telephone: 674-7428
Acarya: Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Larry Bogart
James S. Greene
Carl Yeargans
Raphael Balsam
Robert lefkowitz
Raymond Marais
Stanley Moskowitz
Michael Grant
Harvey Cohen
My dear Narayana Maharaj,
I thank you very much for your letter dated June 7 1967 along with the letter of Sriman Rayrama (Raymond Marais). While replying you this letter I am feeling well. From the hospital I have been transferred to the New Jersey seashore and I am glad to inform you that I am improving daily, a little bit. The weakness is still continuing and sometimes I feel dizziness but the seashore breeze gives me such relief. My disciples here are Godsend, they are all more than my father and mother, and they are taking so much care for me that I shall never be able to repay the debts. I hope to survive by the prayers of the boys otherwise I would have died on the day when the stroke was so severe. All the boys in three branches in New York, San Francisco and Montreal, prayed for me to Sri Krishna and chanted the whole night and with vow they fasted and I am sure only for their prayer I am on the path of recovery. I cannot express my gratitude for their sincere love for me and I can only pray that Sri Krishna may bless them with advanced Krishna consciousness. In the hospital they spent money like anything up to the extent of 600-700 rupees daily, so there is no dearth of care and treatment, but still I think Ayurvedic treatment is better for this kind of disease. After all only Krishna can help me; medicine is not sufficient. I thank you for your letter and consulting Giri Maharaja and other Vaishnavas. Your good wishes and other Vaishnavas good wishes can only save me. Your letter has also given me sufficient strength. I am thinking of returning to India as soon as I get a little strength because by plane it will take at least 24 hours by the fast air line so I must have sufficient strength to fly that long a period and as advised by you I shall go directly to Calcutta and after consulting some good physician there I may come back to Mathura-Vrindaban. But I am sure if I can go back to Vrindaban the atmosphere will cure me. The danger period is over by the grace of Lord Krishna.
So far the Delhi books are concerned, you can arrange immediately for their dispatch to Howrah station by goods train which runs every week and goes very fast. All the books should be listed in duplicate and one of them should be sent with the railway receipt to M/S. United Shipping Corp. 14/2 Old China Bazaar St. No. 18, Calcutta 1. By registered Post with Acknowledgement [Indistinct]. The other copy of the list of books may be sent to me. The packing may be done very nicely and the steel trunks may be used for packing. If they are not sufficient to cover all the books, then wooden boxes should be purchased and packed nicely bound with iron straps. The steel trunks also should be strapped with iron straps.
In each and every packing box the following marks should be given:
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
New York (Via Howrah Station)
For the time being you can purchase some bottles Chavanaprasa and… [Indistinct]…-purchased from Sadhana Ousadhalaya who has got branches in Chandni Chowk, Delhi.
In Fathe-Puri, [Indistinct] No. 32 there is a firm SS, Brijbasi and Sons, please see them and enquire what they have done in respect of our orders for pictures for which we have sent 100 dollars--and let me know the fate of our order. From the amount Rs 2 235/-you will spend all that is required for performing Delhi affairs and the balance may be deposited in my SB account # 1452 with the Bank of Baroda Ltd. Chandni Chowk, Delhi. If I return to India money will be required or if I do not return the same will be paid by check to Dwarkin and sons who have already submitted their invoice for musical instruments.
I hope you will kindly do the needful as per my instructions and let me know by return mail. All the expenditure including your going to Delhi and coming back, postal conveyance, everything, should be done out of my money.
Vinod Kumar may come here after he has duly received the passport and visa. I am replying his letter separately.
Hope this will find you in good health. Am awaiting your kind reply.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. Sri Krishna Pandit and Chandra Sekhar & Vinoda Kumara will help you in doing things nicely. Please make the R/R Freight Paid and send me [Unreadable] R/R along with the duplicate list of books.


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
1 July, 1967
26 Second Avenue
Apartment BIR
New York 10003 USA

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
Gradually I am becoming well. Today is my best day which is why I am writing you a letter in my own hand. I still have not received a reply to the letter I sent you on June 14th. I am very eagerly waiting to know if you have been to Delhi and if the books were sent or not. In the meantime I have written a letter to Vinoda Kumara. I haven't received any reply from him. I am worried about that also. As soon as you receive my letter, please kindly reply to me.
It is decided that I am going to San Francisco on Wednesday 5th July, and on July 9th there will be Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva Rathayatra maha festival. I don't know how successful it will be, but the program is settled. There were some plans for my return to India, but at present it is not possible for me to travel twenty-four hours by airplane. I am therefore going to San Francisco which takes only six hours. It has been decided that I will stay on the beach by the sea. As soon as you receive my letter, please reply to the following address:
International Society for Krishna Consciousness,
518 Frederick Street,
California 94117
What happened to Vinoda Kumara's passport? I have written him a separate letter, but there has been no reply so far. In this far away foreign country, with a very weak body, I feel some difficulty if I don't receive letters on time. I still don't feel fully strong, but I am writing to you in my own hand. I hope you will make me happy by responding as soon as you receive my letter. The work I have at hand will take two to three months to finish. I hope that by next September I may be able to return to India. If I obtain all of your blessings, I hope I will quickly finish my work and be able to return to Sri Sri Vrndavana dhama. I pray you all are well.
A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
12 July, 1967
International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Inc.
Twenty-Six Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003
Telephone: 674-7428
Acarya: Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Larry Bogart
James S. Greene
Carl Yeargans
Raphael Balsam
Robert lefkowitz
Raymond Marais
Stanley Moskowitz
Michael Grant
Harvey Cohen

My Dear Narayana Maharaj,
Please accept my dandabats. I thank you very much for your letter dated July 3, 1967. I am very pleased that you have so kindly dispatched the books from Delhi. I am now staying at the following address:
C/o Budes Paradisio
Alamed Patio
Stinson Beach, California
I have come here for recuperating my health. It is a very nice place. The building is most aristocratic, and just situated on the sea beach, Pacific Ocean. I hope I shall be able to get sufficient strength here and I expect to return to India by the next month of September.
I understand that you have already spent Rs. 402 out of Rs. 2235, so out of the balance you can spend as follows: to the Vrindaban Gosain, I wish to pay him Rs. 100 in kind. That is to say you can purchase some rice, dahl and wheat worth Rs. 100 and deliver them for sevapujah of Sri Radhadamodar. But if grains are controlled and you cannot purchase on open market, then you can pay him cash Rs. 50, and take a receipt from him. You can also keep with you Rs. 50 to be paid to him at the rate of Rs.5 per month until I return. I think until I return you can go to Vrindaban once in a month, and get my rooms cleaned by Sarozini and pay him Rs. One for cleaning and taking care of my outside veranda. So, you can spend your coming and going charges, pay to Gosain Rs. 5 and to Sarozini Rs. one per month. After this expenditure the balance remains Rs. 1733.
If Vinodkumara has secured his passport and "p" form, then let him purchase two best harmoniums. I think he can purchase from Dwarkin and Sons at the cost of 556 Rs. each. So, get one bank draft for Rs. 1110 in favor of Messers Dwarkin and Sons, Esplanad, Calcutta, payable in Calcutta, and let Vinodkumar take this draft deliver to Messers Dwarkin and Sons and take delivery of two harmoniums. Out of the balance money he can take Rs. 75 for his going to Calcutta for some pocket expenses on the ship. From the balance money he can purchase sitar and tampoura from Calcutta according to his choice. I think this arrangement will be approved by us all.
I am very much eager to return to India for a change, but at the present state of health it is not possible. Vinodkumar must bring the medicines while he is coming here.
I have sent $ 100, that is Rs. 750, to Trivikram Maharaj for purchasing khole and kartal. Vinodkumar must go to Nabadwip while going to Calcutta and take delivery of the khole and kartal. All these things must be very nicely packed and brought with him as his personal luggage. I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally do not mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world. The Delhi room may be kept as it is until my further advice.
Yours sincerely,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
14 July, 1967
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
c/o P.M. Stinson Beach
California U.S.A.
Sri Sri Vaisnava Carana Dandavat Purvikiyam
I am offering my dandavat pranaamas to the Vaisnavas' lotus feet and then I am writing.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
I am very happy to receive a letter in your own handwriting dated the 8th of July. I have received all of your letters and I have replied to each. I hope you have received them. I am worried that Vinoda Kumara still has not received his passport and "P" form, If he still hasn't received the passport, deposit the rest of the money in the Vrndavana Bank. It is very possible that I will return to Vrndavana in the upcoming August. After, if Krsna keeps me alive, I will come back here. I had planned to preach so much here. But all the work is postponed due to my health deteriorating. Certainly the disciples are doing their best but they need to learn a lot. It is all possible if Krsna bestows His mercy.
At present I am anxious to return to Vrndavana. Here I stay in a palatial building. There are always four of them ready to serve me, and there is no want of prasada, lodging or any care. However, I still feel that my broken kutira without any opulence, bathing in the Yamuna, darsana of the temples, and the ripped cotton quilt of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas are so very sweet. Being so far from Vrndavana I am realizing its mahatmya (greatness). Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "As Krsna is to be worshipped so is Vrndavana." Now I am somewhat realizing that. As Krsna is sweet, Vrindavana is similarly sweet. You bless me so that I can return to Vrndavana. I am old now. I am not afraid to die, but if my life air passes away in the lotus dust of the Vaisnavas in Vrndavana then that would be very blissful. As soon as I am well I want to return to Vrndavana. Then, if I feel better I will return here and preach. The foundation of preaching has become good here. In the future, even if I do not come, any sincere Vaisnava can come and do hari-kirtana here
Among the three branches I am willing to install Sri Sri Radha Krsna in Montreal (Canada). The Deities will arrive there at the end of this month. I shall then go to Montreal. And if I am alive I shall reach Delhi, directly via London and Moscow. I shall let you know on time.
In Delhi there are many books in the almirah. If you can send those, it would be good. Anyway I shall write you later about this.
I have replied to the United Shipping Corporation accordingly-no worry. I hope you are well. Write to me about Vinoda Kumara. You wanted to know about my health. "As in a broken house with only fireflies for light, as long as it lasts, is good." I was not supposed to survive the stroke that attacked me, but Krsna somehow kept me alive. With the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and his Thakura Krsna's desire, I am still alive. You should know that this is a wonder. Every moment the signs of my health change. Only Krsna's mercy is keeping me alive. Gradually life is coming in my dead body and there are some improvements. That is why I am writing to you in my own handwriting. You are a sincere Vaisnava. Krsna will certainly listen to you. You pray to Krsna that before dying I will be able to have darsana once more of Vrndavana.
Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami


Letter to: Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
15 July, 1967
"Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatho"
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Bodes Pardisio
Sri Sri Vaisnava Carana Dandavat Purvikiyam
I am offering my dandavat pranaamas to the Vaisnavas lotus feet and then I am writing.

Sripad Narayana Maharaja,
If Krsna desires I will reach Delhi or Calcutta next week, so you have no need to spend any money. If Vinoda Kumara gets his passport, he must wait for my letter. Only one disciple will come with me. The cost for one ticket is Rs 50000/- (fifty thousand rupees), so I am now a little bit worried. For now don't spend whatever rupees you have left. Wait for my letter.
Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami

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